3,14 started its work already in 1985, but was first formally registered in 1989.
The foundation 3,14 was established by three artists who all had spent extended periods of time and studied abroad. Upon their return to Norway they discovered their common fondness for travel and for acting beyond their own local art scene. They started facilitate meetings and exhibition exchange between colleagues from different cultures and regions worldwide. This was a quite unique approach as Norway was operating in the art world very locally up until the 21st Century. The founders produced numerous international shows per year in collaboration with other museums and galleries. From 1999 3,14 got their own exhibition space centrally located in Vågsallmenningen in Bergen.
Sigrid Szetu, painter who was trained at the Camberwell School of Art in London, and subsequently moved to Borneo for many years.
Jan Erik Willgohs, painter, studied in Norway and continued at the Royal Academy in London before moving to Stockholm and Berlin.
Gøran Ohldieck, print maker, studied initially in Bergen before moving to London and then later to Warsaw to study further printmaking.
The old Norway´s Bank (gamle Norges bank):
The building in empire style was built in 1840-45 by Ole Petter Riis Høegh. It is considered one of the country´s prime example of its period. The bank´s interior was renovated by the renown arkitekt Schak Bull in 1926.
Because the building was a bank it was raised in a style that points back to the Florentine palaces. Such buildings were either immensely attractive in their own right, or could be refurbished in a suitable heritage style for housing, offices, museums or restaurantes.
Museum buildings were willingly raised in a style that pointed back to the Greek temples. A typical representation of this style is the London Bristish Museum started in 1823.
