Naked on Pluto – Dave Griffiths, Marloes de Valk, Aymeric Mansoux
Naked on Pluto is an open source, multiplayer online facebook game which serves as the focus for a wider examination of online privacy via a blog, interviews, public events and lectures. The project was developed during a shared residency at NIMk, BALTAN Laboraties and Piksel, between June and November 2010, by Dave Griffiths, Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk.The game explores the limits and nature of social networks from within, slowly pushing the boundaries of what is tolerated by the companies that own them, carefully documenting this process as we go. We use the story of Elizabeth Magie’s Landlord’s game (the precursor to Monopoly made in 1903) as inspiration for games as explorations of political issues. Instead of tenant’s rights however, we combine story and play in an investigation on how exposed we are on social networks, and how our data is being used. |